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Software systems and computational methods
Minitaeva A.M. (2014). Mathematical model of the operator of human-computer system. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 70–79.
Minitaeva A.M. Mathematical model of the operator of human-computer systemAbstract: development of local systems of vehicle automation in the late XX – early XXI century along with increasing use of microprocessors created the prerequisites for vehicle control based on the personal characteristics of the operator. While creating new control algorithm on that basis it is rational to apply Feldbaum Dual control theory, that refers to using the capacity of the control system to study specifics of control actions of a particular operator and considering them in correlation with environment while selecting an algorithm for control system. It becomes possible not only in simulators, but also by adjusting the variables of operator’s actions directly. However the operator is represented by a model in which not every variable of watchers’ classes is measurable. The author also notes that according to the modal theory the base for simulation is in taking the dominant roots in consideration of main psychophysiological features of operator and the significant nonstationarity of the main operator’s parameters. This becomes possible as a result of procedures of current dynamic identification of output variables of operator during the control process. Taking into account the complexity of operator’s inner processes and using the features of decompositions the initial steps of description may be simplified to forming sub-models in operator’s subsystem: the person; inner model of object being controlled; inner model of environment and its state. In order to solve the problem of creating a complex human-computer interface author suggests to use Feldbaum Dual control principle. This kind of works is based on the capabilities of realization provided by existing automation devises and computer equipment. The novelty and perceptiveness of the suggested approaches is defined by the results expected on the development and implementation of the system: 1) creating of automated informational system of control and diagnostics of psychological and physiological safety of computers consisting of a set of measures such as: preventive measures, controlling lapses and deviations in the health of the operators, organization of medical examinations with key factor with emphasis on the psychological and physiological factors. 2) building control computer systems with artificial intelligence and devices for information exchange via the human-machine interface for intellectualization of the interaction between man and computer. Keywords: dual control principle, human-computer interface, operator, mathematical model, ergatic control system, artificial intelligence, human-computer system, multidimensional scaling unit, executive system, base of knowledge
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