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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Kalekina, A. V. The Basic Trends and Approaches to Studying Professional Culture of Design Engineers

Abstract: The article is devoted to the basic trends and approaches to studying professional culture of design engineers. Professional culture of design engineers is viewed from the point of view of disciplinary and general methodological approaches which provides grounds for creating a methodological construct necessary for researching the actual status of professional culture in the modern Russian society and understanding possibilities of its transformation into the innovative type of culture. Analysis of existing approaches makes it possible to conclude that there are certain theoretical and methodological issues in interpreting professional culture. Each approach views only one side of professional culture and focuses only one certain aspects which creates different definitions of professional culture. The author of the article views the following approaches to studying professional culture: philosophical, cultural, personality-oriented, value-oriented, social and psychological, spiritual and moral, professional and activity-based, professional and stratificational and others. In this regard, the author makes an attempt to view professional culture from different points of view. Based on the above mentioned theoretical and methodological provisions and in accordance with the listed signs of engineering as a profession, the author clarifies the definition of ‘professional culture of design engineers’. The approaches defined by the author play a principal role for methodology and worldview because they create different coordinates for understanding and studying professional culture of design engineers.


psychology, professionalism, culture, design engineers, approaches to studying, interpretation, special features, researches, construct, transformation.

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