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Culture and Art

Rakov, V. P. Basic Concepts of the Poetics of Insolvabilities

Abstract: The article is devoted to the description of structural components of the Silver Age styles expressed in works created by Adnrei Bely, Marina Tsvetaeva, Vasily Rozanov and some futurists. The researcher refers them to representatives of the ‘poetics of insolvabilities’ as he calls it. Based on the author, poetics of insolvabilities reflect the features that were typical not only for the art of writing but for the culture of that epoch in general. In mimetic creative strategies the most important role was plaid by the concept of the ‘beyond the border’ creativity that was beyond the verbal context and at the same time inseparable from it. The concepts of ukon, meon, linguistic morphability and insubstantiality in esthetic representations and style were significant, too. The present article summarizes and develop the ideas expressed by the author in his previous articles.


semantic spirality, semantic uncertainty, figures of style, calligraphy of style, unexplorable, art history, rhetoric culture, choreography of text, open form.

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