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Culture and Art

Petrov, V. O. Epatage in Art of XXth Century: Observation and Denial of Linguistic Expressive Means

Abstract: Epatage in art of XXth century was a widespread and quite contradictory phenomenon that was described by many artists, composers, poets and writers but still cannot be clearly classified due to its diversity. However, the author of the present research article tries to give a classification of epatage artwork of XXth century from the point of view of observation or denial of linguistic expressive means. The main research method used by the author of the article is the analytical analysis of regular patterns of the artwork of XXth century and synthesis of the results into a classification. Epatage in art of XXth century hasn’t been sufficiently studied modern cultural researchers. Therefore the author of this article tries to compare major pieces of the epatage art and create their classification. For the first time in cultural researches the author views works created by V. Ekiomvsky, S. Zaniy, E. Brown, R. Haubenstock-Ramati and D. Cram from this point of view.


art history, music, music of XXth century, epatage, classification, Ekimovsky, Zagniy, Brown, Haubenstock-Ramati, Cram.

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