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Culture and Art
Lapkina, N. A. (2013). The System of State Web Resources
in the Republic of Abkhazia:
the Issues of Information Space. Culture and Art, 6, 607–614.
Lapkina, N. A. The System of State Web Resources in the Republic of Abkhazia: the Issues of Information SpaceAbstract: Nowadays the Internet space is an essential element of practically all phenomena or events. Everything important, interesting and topical is embodied in the global network. To be presented in the virtual space means to be able to show that you are important. The Republic of Abkhazia, the state that has a rather complicated political status, is fully presented only in the Internet space today because the greater part of the global community considers the region to be the territory that has been annexed from Georgia. The author of this research article analyzes the process of development of official state web-resources of the republic, the issues related to completing the content of the information space, difficulties faced in the development of the virtual sector, absence of the national domain of the highest level and causes of particular gaps in the development of non-state web-resources. As the main method for analyzing the website, the author of the article uses her own research developments as well as European programs on improving electronic resources in the sphere of culture and ethnography. Keywords: virtual space, ethnopolitics, Abkhazia, information space, information security, web-resources, self-identification, ethnic identity, virtual identity, state websites.
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