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Administrative and municipal law

Kareeva-Popelkovskaya, K.A. On the issue of classification of administrative coercion in police activities

Abstract: Various legal and organizational means of influence with various effects upon the participants of the relevant relations are used within the system of state administration of the Russian Federation in order to guarantee lawfulness and legal order. The choice of regulation methods for the activities of participants of public law relations depends on their place and role within the administration system, on their goals and aims, as well as lawful or unlawful character of their behavior. The methods of convincing and coercion are traditionally used in administrative relations. Each of these methods is used in accordance with the situation and the goals of law-enforcement. The police activities employ administrative methods typical of police activities and guarantees of legal order. The methodological basis for the scientific article was formed by the current achievements of the theory of cognition. In the process of studies the author used general philosophical, theoretical and empiric methods (dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods ( formal logic method), and methods typical for specific sociological studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). Implementation of executive power and guarantees of public order may be directly implemented in practice with the use of certain means and methods of strategic influence upon conscience and behavior of people. Convincing and coercion being two mutually complementing methods of state administration serve as these methods at the current stage of development of the society. Their social purpose and efficiency of their influence is due to the fact, that, firstly, they are caused by general social and economic patterns of development of the society, and secondly, they should be in inseparable unity, thirdly, they depend on how correctly and socially adequately the economic and political needs of society are reflected.


classification, official, police officer, coercion, criterion, police, implementation, prevention, arms, special means.

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