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Administrative and municipal law
Admiralova, I.A., Astishina, T.V. (2014). Specific features of revealing the facts of human trafficking. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 70–73.
Admiralova, I.A., Astishina, T.V. Specific features of revealing the facts of human trafficking.Abstract: The article concerns the problems arising in the activities of the law-enforcement bodies regarding revealing the facts of human trafficking, such as the lack of acceptable legal basis, allowing to efficiently fight this type of criminal activity and related crimes. The issues regarding revealing the elements of human trafficking, the conditions of victim exploitation are also reflected in the article. Unlawful human trafficking (and trafficking of women in particular) is a multi-level widely spread and well-organized international network, involving all of the continents, millions of victims and hundreds of thousands of organizers: sellers, buyers, intermediaries, guards, etc. Human trafficking involves official bodies, as well as criminal structures: visa and migration service officials, law-enforcement bodies and state institutions of various levels. Specific features of revealing participations of such subjects are reflected in this article. The author used the general philosophical, theoretical and empirical method (dialectic, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, supervision, modeling), traditional legal methods (formal logic), specific social studies methods (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). Scientific novelty of the article is due to establishing how complicated it may be to reveal the elements of crimes, since criminals tend to masquerade their criminal business. It is especially complicated to reveal means and methods of criminal behavior at the period of recruiting potential victims for the future exploitation, when they might not be aware of the fact that they are dealing with the human traffickers. Such situations are typical for recruiting potential human trafficking victims by fraud, abuse of trust and other fraudulent methods. Keywords: trafficking, operative, person, rights, freedoms, personality, fight, the UN, torture, offence.
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