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Administrative and municipal law
Kurilova, E.V. (2014). Goals and main directions of prosecutor supervision in the sphere of implementation of legislation on administrative
offences in the environmental sphere. Administrative and municipal law, 1, 40–46.
Kurilova, E.V. Goals and main directions of prosecutor supervision in the sphere of implementation of legislation on administrative offences in the environmental sphere.Abstract: The article concerns defining goals and priority directions of prosecutor supervision over implementation of the legislation on administrative responsibility in the environmental sphere. Taking into account the goals established in the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation, which was adopted in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2009 N.537, the goals of prosecutor supervision correspond to the goals and aims of the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation. The author draws a conclusion that the prosecutor supervision over implementation of administrative responsibility legislation in the environmental sphere is top priority sphere. In the article the author distinguishes specific goals of prosecutor supervision over implementation of legislation on administrative responsibility in the environmental sphere. The article also contains scientifically and practically substantiated key directions for the activities of the prosecutors in the sphere of such supervision. The methodological basis for the work was formed by the general scientific dialectic method, as well as some specific scientific methods used for the cognition of social and legal matters, implementation and organization of prosecutor supervision over the implementation of administrative responsibility in the environmental sphere. While choosing the main directions for the activities of the prosecutors in the sphere of supervision over implementation of administrative responsibility legislation in the environmental sphere, the author took into account the current situation in this sphere, especially the growing number of administrative offences of this type, as revealed by the prosecutor and other controlling and supervisory bodies. In the article the author singles out the main directions for the activities of the prosecutors in the sphere of supervision over the implementation of legislation on administrative responsibility in the environmental sphere for the current situation and the closest future perspective. Keywords: prosecutor, supervision, legislation, administrative, responsibility, environmental, sphere, goals, main, directions.
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