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Administrative and municipal law

Vasiliev, I.V., Frolov, A.S. Constructive model for the legal regime of weapons turnover.

Abstract: The object of studies in this article is the concept of the existing legal regime for the weapons turnover in Ukraine. The authors provide evidence that any legal regime is synthesized with three legal means: permission, prohibition and positive obligation. The legal regime for weapons turnover is characterized by the authors as a permissive legal regulation type. The existing situation allows one to speak of a constructive model of a legal regime. The legal framework of the weapons turnover regime includes a large portion of positive obligations, as well as specialized and absolute prohibitions, which presupposes highly intensive legal regulation of this sphere of social relations. The authors used a systemic structural method in order to establish the combination of elements comprising “legal regime “as a complex matter, and a comparative legal method for the analysis of legal norms forming the “legal regime for weapons turnover”. As a conclusion the authors offers a novel three-element interpretation of the logic used for the formation of the legal regime for weapons turnover in a democratic state. Firstly, there is a basic general permission. Secondly, there is an exception from a general rule providing for a prohibition for the free turnover of weapons in the society. This prohibition is supported by a first absolute prohibition (criminal responsibility for the illegal turnover of weapons). Thirdly, there is a special exception from the general prohibition for permitting to carry weapons. This special permission is burdened with the positive obligations (the rules of legal turnover of weapons). Not following these rules falls under the second absolute prohibition (administrative responsibility for violation of the rules for turnover of weapons).


legal regime, general permission, general prohibition, positive obligation, type of legal regulation, general permissive order, permissive order, constructive model, weapons, turnover of weapons.

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