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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Boyko, D. V. Logic of the Absurd

Abstract: The article is devoted to the 100th anniversary of birth of the French writer and philosopher Albert Camus. The main sources of feeling absurd includes the ideal picture of the world created by the human mind, existence of human in the immanent and transcendental worlds, development of the consciousness of a new-born and creative and destructive tendencies of human. Absurdity has a singular, contradictory, irrational and almost insane logic. The positive role of absurdity is the possibility to think different when we face the absurd. The author of the article also shows the role of absurdity in new paradoxical findings made by scientists. Even creativity is fed by absurdity and uses absurdity for its purposes. By using the method of hermeneutic analysis, the author of the article studies the sources, forms of appearance and different functions of absurdity. Along with the absurd, there is always a regular non-absurd existence. The absurd has a relative meaning and always depends on a particular historical period. Today the absurd can be found in all spheres of human existence from social politics to science, religion and culture. The absurd should be also opposed to the common sense and civic courage in the socio-political sphere.


absurd, logic, death, transcendental, creativity, culture, religion, science, paradox, psychoanalysis.

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