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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Gurevich, P. S. The Sobriety of the Thought, or the Apology of War

Abstract: Over the last years there have been many literary researches about the war being the necessary evil for the humankind. Telling us about the new methods of murdering people, some researchers even complain that the government does not try to create new weapon. The governors tend to believe that the future war will use only traditional and wellknown methods of destroying the enemy while the experts try to convince them that they are wrong and should master the new weapon as soon as possible. However, there are no researchers who would say that the humankind should stop having wars at all. They tend to believe that wars cannot be erased from the human history. We can’t do without wars because it is in human nature to be evil and aggressive. The author of the present article questions whether this position is the sober thought or just the wrong belief directly related to the apology of war. The author of the article uses the historical and phenomenological approaches to the problem. Researchers’ views on war are traced back historically from myths to modern science and philosophy. The author also analyzes the concept of war and shows that the definition of war needs to be corrected. Nowadays there are wars not only between governments but also between different classes. At the same time, social, confessional and ethnic groups are recruited during the war. Serous contradictions also arise between developed countries and other countries that are only trying to catch up. According to the author, the most important aspect of the definition of war is the statement about socio-political, economic, religious, ideological and other contradictions between states, nations, social, national, confessional and other groups being resolved (or not resolved) by the means of armed violence. In addition, the author tries to provide a special analysis of the phenomenology of war and prove that it is possible to eliminate war as the way of conflict resolution.


philosophy, psychology, war, conflicts, humanity, traditions, values, civilization, armament preparation, catastrophe.

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