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Philosophy and Culture

Kravchenko, Yu. P. Relation Between Human and Nature From the Period of Classical Antiquity to the Epoch of Renaissance

Abstract: The author of the article tries to define environmental aspects of the Ancient philosophy, Medieval philosophy and Renaissance philosophy. The author also raises the question about the essence and descent of human, relation between human and nature, between human and human, the place of human in the world and the destiny of human. In addition, the author of the article touches upon the main ideological and methodological beliefs at the Ancient Times, Middle Ages and Renaissance. The conclusion of the article is that human and nature were in harmony at the Ancient Times. Middle Ages did not ruin but changed that harmony and human already tried to be more important than nature. At the age of Renaissance human made the first attempts to conquer nature. He was believed to be God on earth and tried to change the environment and nature in accordance with his needs and abilities. On the other hand, back in those times the humankind did not have enough abilities and power to ruin the balance and harmony in relations between human and nature.


philosophy, nature, human, unity, Middle Ages, Classical Antiquity, self-generation, fundament, chaos, being.

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