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Philosophy and Culture

Manzarkhanova, L. V. Interdisciplinary Approach to Studying Traditional Culture

Abstract: In modern science there is a constantly growing interest towards traditional culture. It is due to the multicultural processes aimed at preservation and development of the cultural diversity and tolerance. Multiculturalism encourages self-expression and positioning of ethnic groups and cultural communities at different levels of social institutionalization. It is cause by the fact that in the age of globalization and IT development, tradition becomes a converging, i.e. communication point with the ethnic history that allows to keep the national and cultural integrity. Traditional culture is viewed from the point of view of cultural research using the research methods offered by philosophy, social studies and history. Interdisciplinary approach allows to combine different methodological procedures in order to expand the scientific knowledge. The system method is the main method used in research because it allows to create an integrated concept of traditions, culture, functions, values and many others. Interdisciplinary studies of peculiarities of traditional culture create a complete picture of the ethnos life in the past and predict its activities in the future because ethnos tends to preserve its own values even under the conditions of multiculturalism. Today’s science places different emphases when studying traditional culture and researchers use different methods in order to prevent cultural unification and protect the cultural diversity and singularity.


cultural research, traditional culture, traditions, interdisciplinary approach, system method, science, interest, ethnic groups, heritage, national and cultural integrity.

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