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Software systems and computational methods
Nagoev Z.V., Denisenko V.A. (2013). Synthesis of agent’s intelligent behavior based on a recursive cognitive architecture. Software systems and computational methods, 4, 323–329.
Nagoev Z.V., Denisenko V.A. Synthesis of agent’s intelligent behavior based on a recursive cognitive architectureAbstract: principles of cognitive organization of intelligent systems are closely related with multiagent division of functions in a multicellular organism. In opinion of the authors, cognitive centers in the human brain as well as in an intelligent system should be represented by active systems that interact with each other on the basis of the principles of collective optimization of parameters critical in the first place for preserving the integrity of the system and its survival. The article reviews a concept and definitions that are related to the ability of perception of the observer and his sensitivity thresholds. To implement the proposed formalization a library of classes was developed using C++ programming language. The library describes constructions suggested in the research. The paper describes only a part of the developed multiagent recursive cognitive architecture, but the presented realization already makes it possible to study the simplest cases of agent interaction. The research is directed on creation of self-organizing multiagent emergent systems capable of emulation of the psyche functions, goal-setting and adaptive goal-directed behavior on the basis of reality semantization and making social ties. Keywords: intelligent systems, cognitive organization, recursive cognitive architecture, library of classes, reality semantization, agent, rational thinking, semantics, formalization, recursive agent
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2. Nagoev, Z. V. Multiagent recursive cognitive architecture. / Z. V. Nagoev//– Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2012, Proceedings of the third annual meeting of the BICA Society, in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing series, Springer, 2012-pp. 247-248. 3. Nagoev, Z.V. Invariant intellektual'noy fraktal'noy mul'tiagentnoy kognitivnoy arkhitektury / Z.V.Nagoev, O.V.Nagoeva.// Materialy II Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii «Avtomatizatsiya upravleniya i intellektual'nye sistemy i sredy», T. II., 2011-S. 195-199. 4. Nagoev, Z.V. Metod diskretno-dinamicheskikh chastits v zadachakh mekhaniki deformiruemogo tverdogo tela / Z.V.Nagoev, M.M.Oshkhunov// Izvestiya RAN. Mekhanika tverdogo tela, ¹4, M.: Nauka, 2011-S. 155-169 5. Ivanov, P.M. Samoorganizuyushchayasya sistema prinyatiya resheniy na osnove avtomatnogo predstavleniya rekursivnoy mul'tiagentnoy kognitivnoy arkhitektury dlya sistem obvolakivayushchego intellekta. / P.M.Ivanov,Z.V.Nagoev// Izvestiya KBNTs RAN, Nal'chik: Izdatel'stvo KBNTs RAN, 2012, ¹ 5 (49)-S. 30-37 |