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Software systems and computational methods

Lobastova O.A., Kalmykov B.M. Automation of the diagnoses with automated management system for healthcare institutions “Patient”

Abstract: Automated management system for healthcare institutions “Patient” is designed for automating the routines of the personnel of medical facility in accordance with the latest standards and orders of examinations, diagnosis and treatment. The authors note that one of the most important elements of the system is electronic patient record. Automated management system for healthcare institutions “Patient” uses hierarchical descriptive patterns to fill electronic patient record. This option allows to fully describe the patient, because the depth of nested levels is unlimited. The article states that after the development of the storage method for electronic patient record the interface for entering data about the patient’s condition was designed and there were two possibilities: the screen form and tree of descriptions. The screen form is the standard way of filling the electronic medical record while the tree of descriptions makes full use templates. The conclusion about the state of the patient in electronic medical record is the diagnosis, defined on the basis of medical history and results of examinations.


automated system, electronic patient record, templates, automation, information, tree of descriptions, screen form, technology, formula editor, data analysis

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