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National Security
Yurchenko, A.V. (2014). For the future managers on the need
to take into account the security functions
when managing a business. National Security, 1, 128–142.
Yurchenko, A.V. For the future managers on the need to take into account the security functions when managing a business.Abstract: The object of study is the further development of the optional course “Security of entrepreneurial activity” for a wide range of students at the National Research University — Higher School of Economics. The author has developed a new course “Managing the business security systems’ especially for the 4th y ear s tudents f or t he B achelor’s d egree a t the management faculty. The methodologically organized studies show the possibility for the adaptation of the interdisciplinary course for the specialized audience. Just like the previous course, the “Managing the business security systems “course is developed for the first time. The competence, which the students have gained during their third year of studies have formed a sufficient basis for the studies within the framework of this course. The experience shows that in the near future the authors shall negotiate with their colleagues having related course in order to provide a qualified solution of connecting disciplines and mutual complementing of courses. The measures are taken to develop several study disciplines on business security, which may logically continue the professional study programs for the students of one specialty, allowing to provide the students with additional spheres of competence, which they could use efficiently in their practical activities after graduation. Keywords: entrepreneurial activities, business, management, marketing, security systems, complex security of an enterprise, target audience, competences, Bachelor’s program, decomposition principle.
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