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National Security

Bazhenov, A.A., Chernikova, E.V. The national-level problems of informal influences in the sphere of remuneration for work.

Abstract: This article includes analysis of the phenomenon of informal social interactions in the sphere of remuneration for work. In the post-Soviet period this phenomenon became wide-spread, but it roots itself in the Soviet period. The labor sphere is regarded as a social area formed by the interactions of employee and employer. The conclusion is made that informal social interactions in the sphere of remuneration for work have transformed from the social practices into the social institution. However, this is an informal institution, and it is alternative, since it was formed within the legal structures. On one hand, the “shadow” payment for work allows to achieve certain goals, guaranteeing the existence of the institution, on the other hand, such a form of payment has considerable negative consequences. The necessary condition for managing this process is information influence, that is monitoring of scale and dynamics of the shadow processes in the sphere of wages.


wages, social practices, social instit ution, social interactions, infor mal institution, taxation, income, shadow, gray, envelopes.

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