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National Security
Borodin, E.A. (2014). The withdrawal of the International
Security Assistance Force from Afghanistan
as a durability test of Russian-Kyrgyz
security cooperation. National Security, 1, 86–93.
Borodin, E.A. The withdrawal of the International Security Assistance Force from Afghanistan as a durability test of Russian-Kyrgyz security cooperation.Abstract: This article provides analysis of threats to national security of Russia in the central Asian region due to the expected withdrawal of the International Security Assistance Force from Afghanistan. It is expected that after the military forces of the USA and their European allies are withdrawn from Afghanistan, the territory shall be controlled by the Taliban and the demarcation line between the Taliban power and the pro-Western Karzay government shall be at the same position, which previously divided the Taliban from the Northern Alliance. In this case it should be expected that the Central Asia, including Kyrgyzstan shall lose their status of the territories in the strategic rearward area of the ISAF, guaranteeing supply of the Afghanistan operation, and they shall become the frontline of defense from the export of Islamism, terrorism, and narcotic drugs into Russia and European stats. In this case the growing threat to the international security from Afghanistan shall be a durability test for the Russian-Kyrgyz relations and cooperation in the sphere of security. Keywords: political science, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, national security, threats, politics, international relations, cooperation, integration.
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