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National Security
Goncharova, N.P., Noyanzina, O.E., Avdeeva, G.S. (2014). Migration processes and social safety
of the labor market in the near-border
regions of Russia. National Security, 1, 50–60.
Goncharova, N.P., Noyanzina, O.E., Avdeeva, G.S. Migration processes and social safety of the labor market in the near-border regions of Russia.Abstract: The goal of the article is to analyze the migration processes in the near-border regions of Russia and their influence upon the social safety in the labor market. It is based upon a complex approach towards the problem of labor market security, which presupposes the necessary study of the migration activities of the people and their influence upon the economic and social sphere of a specific region, as well as specificities of attitude of local people to labor migrants, and possible solutions to the problems caused by the migration processes. The article presents results of a social study, presupposing among other issues a subjective evaluation of scale of migration processes by the people in the relevant territories. The authors provide the results for the expert poll analysis, presupposing the evaluation of influence of migration processes upon the various spheres of life of regional near-border societies. Special attention is paid to evaluation of influence of migration upon the security of regional security markets. Keywords: migration, near-border region, expert evaluation, migration processes, labor market security, social safety, labor market, migration activity, regional society, migration mobility.
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