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National Security

Tischenko, V.N. On the issue of crime prevention improvement in the current conditions.

Abstract: In the current conditions use of various forms and methods of complex planning in the sphere of fighting crime, including crime prevention, is one of the most important spheres in the improvement of activities of prosecution and other law enforcement bodies in the sphere of guarantees of security and legal order, allowing them to have direct influence on the formation and implementation of coordinated social, economic, organizational, legal, etc. measures applied in order to form and regulate positive processes in the society, to prevent crime and facilitate its prevention. It should be noted that this topic is set for the research purposes, while the efficiency analysis of crime prevention system is always topical. It is noted that one of the main directions for the improvement of the legal fundamentals for the functioning of state government bodies in the relevant sphere is dealing with the gaps in the federal legislation. The said activity also allows to improve coordination of actions among ht subjects of preventive activities at various levels, influencing its overall efficiency. The article concerns topical issues of legislative contradictions in this sphere, and proposal are made for terminating contradictions. The article may be of use for the law-enforcement bodies staff, postgraduate students, students, and all those interested in crime prevention in the Russian Federation.


legislation analysis, security of citizens, crime prevention, regional legislation, federal legislation, legislation improvement, regional prophylactic systems, special preventive measures, prevention programming, complex planning

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