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National Security
Chirkov, D.K., Litvinov, A.A., Antonov-Romanovskiy, G.V., Koimshidi, G.F. (2014). Modern tendencies in rural crime: scientific
approach to the problem. National Security, 1, 4–20.
Chirkov, D.K., Litvinov, A.A., Antonov-Romanovskiy, G.V., Koimshidi, G.F. Modern tendencies in rural crime: scientific approach to the problem.Abstract: The article substantiates the topicality of the problem of studying crime in rural areas, which is defined, on one hand, by complicated character of criminal situation in villages, and topicality of problems of organizing countermeasures against crime and its prevention, and on the other hand, by the lack of studies of the criminological issues in the sphere of rural crime. The number of cases involving death or grievous harm to health of village people by criminal attacks is especially alarming to one studying rural crime. The number of deaths of people due to crime in rural areas in Russia remains the same in last three years, and it is over two times larger than the same criterion for the city crime, and one and a half times larger for causing grievous harm to health of people. The methods employed include following from abstract to specific, systemic structural and comparative analysis, historic method, dynamic and statistical methods, as well as specific sociological methods for the evaluation of rural crime. The article for the first time provides structural analysis of rural crime compared to the city crime, as well as regional analysis. The authors of the article point out the complicated character of criminal situation in the villages. The tendency for the lesser registered crimes in the rural areas in 2009 to 2012 does not reflect the real situation, since it is artificially formed in last several years by lowering statistical data. In this article the authors provide full-scale analysis of the tendencies in the modern rural crime in order to guarantee rapid reaction of the state to this problem and finding efficient counteractions. Keywords: topical aspects of studies, city crime, rural crime, crime dynamics, crime structure, specific features of rural crime, rural crime level, criminal situation, regional crime analysis.
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