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Police activity

Kareeva-Popelkovskaya, K.A. Mechanism for the application of administrative interception.

Abstract: Implementation of executive power and guarantees of public order is practically realized via certain means and methods of strategic influence on the behavior and conscience of the people. The various organizational and legal means are used in order to guarantee rule of law and legal order within the state administration system of the Russian Federation, and the influence of these means also varies depending on the participants of legal relations. Convincing and coercion being two mutually complementing methods of state administration serve as these methods at the current stage of development of the society. Their social purpose and efficiency of their influence is due to the fact, that, firstly, they are caused by general social and economic patterns of development of the society, and secondly, they should be in inseparable unity, thirdly, they depend on how correctly and socially adequately the economic and political needs of society are reflected. The methodological basis for the scientific article was formed by the current achievements of the theory of cognition. In the process of studies the author used general philosophical, theoretical and empiric methods (dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods ( formal logic method), and methods typical for specifi c sociological studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). Application of administrative coercion should be preceded by preventive measures, one of which should be an order with the threat of physical coercion. These measures are mostly necessary for prevention and interception of the gravest administrative offences, encroaching at the public order and established administration procedure. The measures of administrative coercion relating to physical or moral influence inevitably limit rights and interests of a person suspected for committing and offence, that is why their application is impossible without due procedural guarantees. Procedural guarantees of a suspect, competence of executive and judicial bodies, their officials are defined by the right of coercion or the right of coercive power.


coercion, law, police, mechanism, control, norm, function, DIA, MIA, official.

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