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National Security

Goy, V.V. Formation of a specialized institutional system for managing the insolvency of economic subjects in Ukraine.

Abstract: The article concerns the existing situation in the institutional system of management of insolvency of economic subjects of Ukraine. The author analyzes the legislative and methodological problems, analyzes the experience of formation and development of an institutional management system in the insolvency sphere from the moment when the institution of bankruptcy was formed in Ukraine. Based upon the analysis from the global experience, the author clarifies the approach towards the development of institutional support of the state functions in the sphere of insolvency, which would have due regard for the situation in the state. It is established that the choice of model depends on the goal to form the necessary institutional conditions for the efficient performance of regulating functions by the state. It is also noted that there is need to revise the functions of the Bankruptcy Department, which serves as a special agency in this sphere. The analysis of specialized institutional systems in different states also allows to point out the approaches, which may be used in Ukraine for the development of its own institutional system aimed against unlawful (purposeful and fictitious) bankruptcies in the national economy.


global experience, institution of bankruptcy, insolvency, unlawful bankruptcy, enter prise ban k r uptcy, insolvency, state regulation, institutional system, market economy, anti-crisis management

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