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National Security

Paschenko, I.V. The Global Terrorism Index and the situation in the Northern Caucasian region: the global tendencies and regional specificities.

Abstract: The article includes analysis of the studies performed by the Institute for Economics and Peace in order to define the Global Terrorism Index (GTI) in different states. The goal of the studies was to provide comparative analysis of global tendencies in the development of ter rorism movement and situation in the Northern Caucasian region, which for a long time has been the range for terrorist attacks in Russia. The analysis allows to state that the processes in the Northern Caucasus are global in their nature. That is why, in the nearest future the possibility of terrorist acts shall remain both in Russia and globally. At the current stage one may only state the lessening the number of violent incidents. However, if one is to take into account the cyclical character of the processes, the stabilization is temporary and it is a short-term matter. The main goal for any state is to provide the access to political decision-making to all of the members of the society, and for that purpose it is necessary to totally review the concept of interaction between government and society. The absence of dialog with the government, the prohibition of political actions are the tendencies typical of the Northern Caucasian region, Russia, and they are also present at the global level, leading to total radicalization of protest and its position outside the legal sphere. If such a situation remains, it shall not be possible to uproot the terrorism.


terrorism, the Global Terrorism Index, terrorism level, instability, the Northern Caucasus, the time and place database, criminal and terrorist acts, Imarat Kavkaz, bandit groups, Wahabiism.

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