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National Security
Chirkov, D.K., Evlanova, O.A., Koimshidi, G.F. (2013). Regional specific and distinguishing
features of crimes in the sphere
of illegal turnover of narcotic substances. National Security, 6, 77–93.
Chirkov, D.K., Evlanova, O.A., Koimshidi, G.F. Regional specific and distinguishing features of crimes in the sphere of illegal turnover of narcotic substances.Abstract: The article concerns the typology of the Russian regions based on the crime level in the sphere of unlawful turnover of narcotics with the use of classification method. In order to classify the regions based on this marker the authors for the first time used the statistical method, which is based upon the standard deviation of the marker based on 3 Sigma rule (3σ). In particular, all of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation were divided into five typological groups based upon the deviation in the group of crimes regarding unlawful turnover of narcotic substances from the medium level in Russia with the standard deviation shares. The authors provided comparative criminological characteristics of these groups based upon some level markers of this type of crime. Based upon the study of correlation between the level of crimes in the sphere of unlawful turnover of narcotic substances and other criminological markers, the authors revealed certain correlation dependencies. Taking into account the specific regional differences of the crimes in the sphere of unlawful turnover of narcotic substances, the law-enforcement bodies may efficiently use their resources and methods against this type of crimes. The article will be useful for scholars and legal practitioners, students and postgraduate students, as well as to all those interested in the sphere of fighting narcotic crime, and those caring for the future of Russia. Keywords: jur ispr udence, constit utional justice, justice, national security, constitutional provisions, security doctrine, final decision, legal position, doctrine, justice.
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