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National Security
Danilov, A.P. (2013). The military aspect
of the Arctic policy of Russia. National Security, 6, 27–34.
Danilov, A.P. The military aspect of the Arctic policy of Russia.Abstract: The article concerns the military element of the Arctic strategy of Russia. The author describes the basic instruments regarding the strategy and actions of Russia in the Arctic region. The author also analyzes the statements of the Russian officials and experts regarding the military policy in the Arctic region, noting some discrepancies between statements and acts of the Russian government in this region. In particular, he notes that while Russia has always been in favor of non-militarization of the region, its military presence in the region is growing. At the same time there is general growth of military presence in the Arctic region. The author makes a conclusion that in order to stabilize the situation in the Arctic region the states need to follow military parity, and to resolve any problems in the region solely by diplomatic means. The article may be of interest to the researchers in the sphere of Arctic policy of Russia and geopolitical situation in the Arctic region, as well as to those studying the military aspect of the Northern policy. Keywords: the Arctic region, military policy, strategy, militarization, presence, potential, parity, the NATO, geopolitics, security.
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