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National Security
Akhatov, Y.K. (2013). Perspective directions for the improvement
of social administration of labor migration
in the Sakhalin region. National Security, 6, 4–10.
Akhatov, Y.K. Perspective directions for the improvement of social administration of labor migration in the Sakhalin region.Abstract: The article is devoted to the studies in the sphere of social administration of migration processes in the isle region. The author refers to perspective directions for the improvement of social administration of labor migration, including the need to develop and adopt the Migration Policy Concept of the Sakhalin Region and the Event Plan for the Implementation of the Migration Policy of the Sakhalin Region. The perspective spheres for the improvement of social administration f migration processes in the Sakhalin region is directed at guaranteeing high quality markers in human capital, which according to the Strategy for Social and Economic Development of the Sakhalin region till 2025 is the main competitive resource of the Sakhalin region. The author considers it necessary to form a specific subject for the development and implementation of the regional migration policy — the Ministry of Migration Relations of the Sakhalin region. Implementation of perspective directions for the improvement of the administration of labor migration processes in the Sakhalin region are necessary to guarantee optimization of the regional migration processes. It is necessary to strengthen the connections between state interests and regional migration policy interests based upon a complex approach with due regard to internal and external factors in order to facilitate the formation of the migration policy aimed at the efficient resolution of the development of the Sakhalin society. Keywords: social studies, Sakhalin region, migration policy, migration processes, social administration, perspective direction, migration policy concept, efficiency, society, optimization.
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