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Software systems and computational methods

Burda A. G., Metelskaya E. A. Mathematical modeling of expanded reproduction processes and computational experimentation in manufacturing parameters of peasant” (farmers’) farms at different rates of accumulation

Abstract: the article shows mathematical approaches to modeling of expanded reproduction processes in peasants’ (farmers’) farms, formulates the optimization task of defining rational parameters in crop farming, presents symbolic economic-mathematical model of optimization of peasant farming parameters, that reflects production, economic and technological conditions and requirements on the use of labor and land resources, on crop rotations, on defining volumes of production and sales in terms of volume and value, on demand for basic production assets, on determination of its wear and calculation of the amount of its depreciation, on insurance premiums and payments on short-term and long-term loans. The authors provides results of computational experiments on the six variants of solving the optimization problem, each represents a relatively independent task, reflecting a new production and economic situation. The article defines optimal parameters of a particular farm at various rates of accumulation, shows calculations of transition period to the optimal variant of use of productive resources, makes suggestions on the use of economic-mathematical methods and models, carrying out the computer experiments in economics and farm management on an extended basis.


mathematical model, production parameters, computational experiment, the rate of accumulation, optimization, farm, expanded reproduction, task, optimality criterion, objective function

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