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Software systems and computational methods

Rozhentsov V. V., Afonshin V. E. Virtual reality in team sports tactical training

Abstract: The authors suggest method of teaching the tactical actions by simulating game situations in virtual reality. A database of players is filled on the server, the coach forms the attacking and defending teams, their initial placement and the location of implement at the field, that will be sent to the players’ computers. The players of attacking ream try to bring the virtual game object to the affected area or to hit the gate of the defending team. Players of the defending team tries to possess the virtual game object and to prevent the actions of the attacking team. The proposed method allows to simulate and unlimited number of game situations, analyze different scenarios and improve the game thinking and interaction of players. It can be used for tactical teaching in teams of varying level of training specializing in football, hockey, handball, rugby, basketball and other team sports.


sports games, tactical training, computer technologies, virtual reality, individual actions, group actions, team actions, game thinking, young athletes, skilled athletes

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