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Philosophy and Culture
Korzo, M. A. (2014). Synthesis of Cultural and Religious Traditions in School Catechisms During the
XVII — XVIII Centuries. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 99–107.
Korzo, M. A. Synthesis of Cultural and Religious Traditions in School Catechisms During the XVII — XVIII CenturiesAbstract: The author of the article analyzes types of school catechisms that were widely spread in Eastern- Slavic writings during the XVII–XVIII centuries. The analysis is carried out in terms of history and based on the methods of comparative analysis. «School catechism» or various religious morals contained in ABC-books and elementary study books are viewed as a collective term that combines texts of different genres. Being influenced by Western models of religious teachings such as Medieval catechetical prayers that appeared in Protestant writings of Spruchbücher genre in the XVI century and Martin Luther’s Small Catechism in 1529, Russian religious morals included in ABC-books and elementary study books published in Moscow and Kiev were an example of a creative combination of different cultural and religious traditions. Keywords: ABC-book, school catechisms, Theophan Prokopovich, Russia, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, synthesis of traditions, Orthodox religious writings, influence of other confessions, Spruchbücher, XVII– XVIII centuries.
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