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Philosophy and Culture

Tkhor, V. V. British Muslim Identity Under the Conditions of Multiculturalism

Abstract: The process of formation of the integrated European community creates a discourse about formation of the European identity that involves discussion of the issue on self-identification of a dynamic and rapidly growing Muslim community in the West and Great Britain in particular. The fiercest debates including debates on the prospects of multiculturalism deal with Muslims performing their religious customs and traditions in Europe. The question about religious and legal self-consciousness of British Muslims has become one of the key topics to be discussed by the governments of many European states. European culture has managed to find place for Muslim dispute resolution agencies as traditional (religious) but not solely legal institutions. European Muslims are in some kind of «legal pluralism» that allows them to retain their religion, culture and values. On one hand, it creates the difference between Muslim and European (mostly secular) identity and, on the other hand, allows European Muslims to coexist in harmony with the European identity.


culture, religion, identity, globalization, Islamic Law, European Muslims, Euro Islam, secularism, multiculturalism, self-consciousness.

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