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Philosophy and Culture

Gorelova, T. A., Deklerk, I. V. Communication In Terms of Human Needs

Abstract: The authors of the article study the process of communication from the point of view of philosophical anthropology. Based on this approach, communication is viewed as an expression of not only social but also existential human nature because this approach allows to determine man’s relations with the world and the Other (and society), God and so on. In this regard the concept of Self and Other acquires a special status, too. In case both the transmitting and receiving parties are active, the inter-subjective communication is created. Inter-subjective communication has special features such as the dialogic interaction, inter-subjectivity, communication as a process of confluence of the message, information and understanding and the presence of individuals. The authors also view the structure of inter-subjective communication based on the concept of basic needs introduced by Abraham Maslow. The authors suggest a six-level structure consisting of the following levels: primitive, traditionally oriented, socially standard, progressively synthesizing, spiritual and spiritually modifying types of communication. Developing mass media and so called «network society» make a significant impact on the structure of the communication process. It brings in the element of «untrue communication» and results in the effect that can be called «archaic style of communication» when the primitive forms of communication such as mass, social, family, domestic, erotic forms of inter-subjective communication become dominating and information is mythologized or acquires a mystic content.


communication, need, subject, society, Self and Other, virtuality, anthropology, meta-need, spirituality.

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