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Philosophy and Culture
Shipovalova, L. V. (2014). Objectivity as a Scientific Value or Possibilities of Science as an Element
of Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 12–19.
Shipovalova, L. V. Objectivity as a Scientific Value or Possibilities of Science as an Element of CultureAbstract: The subject matter of this research is objectivity as the main feature of science and scientific value. The author of the article raises a question whether the synthesis of cultural and philosophical researches is possible. The subject of such researches is the science as a cultural phenomenon, in particular, objectivity as the basic scientific value. Such interpretation of objectivity is shared by many experts in the sphere of modern epistemology. The problem is that interpretation of objectivity not only as the scientific criterion but also as the scientific value or even scientific virtue makes objectivity as a possible subject of research of both philosophy of science and cultural studies as well as other associated disciplines. At the same time, such interpretation necessarily connects scientific knowledge with human activity and therefore may even relativize it. The author of the article establishes that cultural research methods can be successfully used in solving relativism problems related to studying scientific values in modern philosophy of science. The author of the article uses the analytical research method which is caused by the need to define the essential differences in definitions of scientific values and determine their status in terms of philosophy of science. It has been established that the modern interpretation of objectivity as a scientific value or virtue creates a threat for relativism in reviewing the grounds for scientific activity. However, this threat can be overcome if the objectivity is related to human activity. In this case objectivity is understood as the efforts made by a scientist in order to overcome his own limits and involves versatile thinking and self-concern. Cultural researches have a particular subject of research and therefore often deal with the problem of relativism. Consequently, results of cultural researches can be successfully used in philosophy of science as well. Keywords: science, objectivity, philosophy of science, cultural studies, scientific value, scientific virtue, subjectivity, relativism, universalism, versatile thinking.
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