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Trends and management

Anisimova, Z.M. Efficiency improvement for the strategic banking management in the current situation.

Abstract: The object of study is organizational and economic relations in the sphere commercial bank management. More narrowly, the author studies the issues of the main vectors for the efficiency improvement of strategic banking management in the current situation, including the following: the use of transfer pricing; introduction of process and cost approaches to bank management, introduction of the BPM — Business Performance Management; reengineering of banking business processes, introduction of organizing technological system of for analytical and informative needs. The author used the following scientific cognitions methods: study and analysis of normative legal basis, analytical method, studies of monographic publications and article. The author offers the following directions for improving the efficiency of banking within the framework of studies of efficiency improvement for the strategic banking management: introduction of banking management standards, efficient benchmarking, efficient management of relations with clients. Introduction and improvement of the abovementioned directions shall facilitate the change in the approaches and methods of strategic banking management as a whole, and it shall also facilitate uncovering positive and negative management features in a specific commercial bank in order to make its work more efficient.


commercial bank, strategy, banking management, financial management, strategic management, credit organization management, eff icient ban king management, ban king management improvement, strategic management improvement, competitiveness of the bank.

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