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International relations
Avanesova, G.A. (2014). Comparative analysis of Russian and German cultural and psychological type in the battles of the Great Patriotic War. International relations, 1, 115–125.
Avanesova, G.A. Comparative analysis of Russian and German cultural and psychological type in the battles of the Great Patriotic War.Abstract: The article presents our position of cultural and historic battle type and the brief results of comparative analysis of battle behavior of Russians and Germans in the battles of the Great Patriotic War — near Moscow, in Stalingrad and Kursk salient. These battles were chosen purposefully since they were key factors for the development of both the Great Patriotic War and the 2nd World War. It should be noted that among the polyethnical contingent of the Red Army we focused our attention on the cultural and psychological stereotypes of the Russian army staff, who were 60 to 85 per cent (on different estimations) among the participants of these battles, and in accordance with the goals of this material. The specific features of Russian and German conscience were often analyzed in science. However, the battle qualities of Russian and Germany military men in the wars of the last century were rarely compared. Currently the methodological fundamental of the comparative military studies are actively developing based upon the theory and methodology of psychological and historical disciplines, ethnological, philological and cultural analysis. The studies of these problems open the novel possibilities for the addressing the methods of cultural and social anthropology, religion studies, military social studies, and war philosophy. Keywords: international relations, politics, Russia, Germany, behavior, cultural and historic type, the Great Patriotic War, the 2nd World War, values, conflict.
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