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International relations
Skripnichenko, D.V. (2014). Political modernization of the North Caucasian republics taking governor elections as an example. International relations, 1, 21–24.
Skripnichenko, D.V. Political modernization of the North Caucasian republics taking governor elections as an example.Abstract: The asymmetry of the Russian federalism reflects itself in the process of managing the regional political processes, including those of introducing the institution of direct governor election. In particular, in there is a number of Republics in the Northern Caucasus, where there were no governor elections (the Republic of Dagestan), or the elections took place, but their results destabilized the situation in the region (the Karachay-Cherkess Republic). That is why introduction of the direct governor elections model, which was typical for the rest of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, might undermine the stability in the region. Introduction of the direct governor elections also should take place with due regard to the existing cultural and national peculiarities of these Republics. As one of the instruments for the improvement of the procedure of the direct governor elections, the author offers to introduce the quotas for the small-numbered peoples. The national quotas were previously used in Dagestan. However, this measure does not guarantee that a candidate representing the small-numbered people may be elected to be the head of the Republic. Keywords: international relations, politics, Russia, elections, political stability, political regime, state, nation, Northern Caucasus, security.
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