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International relations

Feldman, P.Y. Conceptual bases for lobbying in modern Russia.

Abstract: The article concerns theoretical and practical aspects of lobbying. The author defines place of lobbying in the Russian political life, analyzing the main means and technologies used for the communications between the interest groups and state government bodies. The discussion of lobbing has been wavelike in its intensity in the Russian scientific circles. It intensifies under the influence of government and experts, and after a short period of vivid discussion, then it dwindles. Some researchers and politicians find a corruption element in lobbying, on the opposite, others consider it to be means capable of considerably improving transparency of the relations between government and business. It is no accident that the development of the draft federal law on lobbying takes place within the framework of the Presidential initiative against corruption. The problem of institutionalization and legalization of lobbying in Russia is addressed from time to time by the government officials, researchers, leaders of the non-governmental organizations, however, till the current time, there is no state concept for the formation of lobbying institution in Russia, and there is no consolidated position of the expert community regarding place of this phenomenon in the Russian political life.


politics, society, lobbying, interest groups, political system, political process, Russia, power, state, government.

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