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Pedagogy and education

Alieva, A. A. Modern Innovative Technologies in Teaching Diplomatic Terms at the Russian Language Classes

Abstract: The present article discusses the structure and the content of pedagogical technologies and analyzes different points of view on the matter. In particular, the author of the article views modern innovative technologies and their role in teaching diplomatic terms at school. Out of all the variety of methods of teaching foreign languages, the author of the article focuses on the methods that enable successful learning of diplomatic terms and development of professional skills in business communication. The interactive approach discussed by the author includes different methods and technologies including collaborative learning, project-based learning, cluster and binary method. The main goal of interactive methods is to develop critical reasoning as a constructive activity, conscious information perception and further uptake of content. The article will be interesting for all who would like to know more about methods of teaching the Russian language as a foreign language.


educational technologies, teaching technologies, innovative technologies, interactionism, critical reasoning, collaborative learning, project-based learning, cluster, binary method, base group.

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