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Pedagogy and education

Novikov, D. S. Health Making Activity as a Teacher’s Mission in XXI Century

Abstract: The author views health issues of the younger generation as a threat for national security of Russia. Based on that, the author establishes that today’s society needs a social figure who would have enough competence in the sphere of health making. In other words, as the author of the article assumes, the Russian society needs an educator who has enough knowledge and skills in law making teaching activity. Summarizing the information contained in the article, the author formulates the following three conclusions: 1) heath is not only the basic (biological) need of an individual but also a very important resource for formation of a subject of modern modernization of the Russian society — educated and competent individual who is able to interact with other individual like him. 2) Teaching community can play a key role in formation of healthy generations. 3) The core of health making teaching activity should acquiring the meaning of health making, in particular, creating conditions for free and harmonious development of personality rather than learning health making practices.


health, activity, personal motivation, health making activity, health making teaching activity, health making culture, up-bringing, subject of the post-industrial modernization, kalokagathia, meaning.

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