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Philology: scientific researches
Gurevich, P. S. (2013). Initial Images of Culture. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 335–343.
Gurevich, P. S. Initial Images of CultureAbstract: The author of the article analyzes the phenomenon of culture from the point of view of the treasury of images accumulated by the humankind. The author shows that a traditional interpretation of culture deals only with the phenomena that are the product of human conscious activity and which origin can be rationally explained. However, there is a huge cultural layer that has no direct relation to the rationalistic tradition. Many cultural processes are the result of a collective unconscious activity of the mankind. These phenomena are anonymous and do not have a recipient even though they still exist in the cultural environment. Such phenomena include myths, oral folk arts and traditions. There is another important aspect discussed by the philosophy of culture. This is the eternal reappearance of images which can be called “archetypes”. Such images, or “initial images”, can be found at different ages. Therefore, the author uses the methods of historical analysis of cultural processes and phenomenological expertise. The novelty of this approach is the study of unconscious resources of culture and determination of initial images that constantly reappear and this is why exist in various cultures. The author of the article shows that the wisdom of the primitive age covered all religions and sciences. Culture is not the result of analytical thought or human wit or skills. Culture is the reflection of human soul and spirit. This explains many phenomena in metaphysics of culture. Keywords: philology, culture, literature, prototypes, rationality, irrationality, metaphorics, spirit, symbol, archetype.
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