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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Sukhova, E. V. Psychological Methods of Working with Patients Suffering from Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Abstract: The purpose of research is to study particular factors hindering from successful treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis and develop certain recommendations based on the study. The research involved 72 patients suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis — 48 males and 24 females aged from 22 to 56. Research methods included standard clinical, X-ray, laboratory and functional tests as well as the author’s questionnaire prepared in accordance with the innovation proposal No. 512 developed by Samara Medical Military Institute. The aforesaid questionnaire consists of four sections and allows to define the order of treatment, difficulties that arise in the process of treatment, will, suggestibility, treatment satisfaction and attitude to possible disability. Obtained data was statistically processed by using the SRSS program. Patients who have been diagnosed tuberculosis for the first time are influenced by such factors decreasing the efficiency of treatment as a need to pay for medical procedures, complications after injections and treatment fatigue. Patients who have already been sick for quite a long period of time may miss their doctor’s appointments and medical procedures, stop their treatment without permission and suffer from side effects of medicine. Patients who had infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis demonstrated statistically valid differences from other patients. Patients who have infiltrative tuberculosis tend to believe that they will actually overcome the disease and this specific feature they have should be used as a motivation to proceed with the treatment. In case of patients who have chronic tuberculosis, a doctor should monitor side effects and adjust their prescription. If a patient is suggestible, a doctor should suggest the thought that the treatment will be a success. If a patient is not suggestible, a doctor should use rational instructions and inform about the progress of the disease and methods of treatment.


pulmonary tuberculosis, social need in efficient treatment, factors hindering from successful treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, psychological methods increasing efficiency of treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.

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