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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Gurevich, P. S. Are Psyche and Soul Synonyms?

Abstract: The author of the article compares the two terms “psyche” and “soul” that are often viewed as synonyms by the history of psychology. However, if we address to ancient philosophy or mystical spiritual tradition, we can see that these terms have different meanings there. In one case, psyche is thought to be the achievement of individual consciousness and in the other case soul is interpreted as a connecting link between the world of eidos and the underworld where phenomena appear and disappear. The author of the present article attempts to reveal the meaning of Plato’s concept of soul. Psyche deals with mental processes and does not include a more profound existential experience. Phenomenological comparison is used as the analysis method forming the basis of this article. This method allows to distinguish between the two terms “psyche” and “soul”. The fact that such this is the first attempt to differentiate between these terms in Russian literature creates the novelty of research. According to the author of the article, soul and psyche are not synonymous terms. Soul has a wider and more profound meaning than psyche. Soul does not die when a body dies. Soul exists before someone’s birth. Soul contains versatile spiritual experience and this is what makes it to be the opposition to psyche.


psychology, spirit, pneuma, soul, psyche, mythology, eidos, existence, transcendental, Psyche.

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