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Administrative and municipal law

Kirichek, E.V. Interactions between the police and the non-governmental organizations and other institutions of the civil society within the framework of implementation of the principle of respect for basic human rights and freedoms in the Russian Federation.

Abstract: The article concerns specific features of interactions between the police and non-governmental organizations, problems, perspectives and key directions of this interaction within the framework of implementation of the principle of respect for basic human rights and freedoms in the Russian Federation. The author provides a number of conclusions regarding the further consecutive development of such interaction. In spite of the large number of works on these issues, the problems in general are not sufficiently studied, which may be due to the ongoing reforms in Russia in general and its police system in particular, as well as lack of stability in the current legislation on these issues. These and other factors make this study topical and practically valuable , they require further studies of interactions between the police and the non-governmental organizations and other institutions of the civil society in order to make it more efficient, showing the need for scientific practical propositions. T he methodological basis for the study includes general scientific means and methods, as well as the specific scientific legal methods. Special attention was paid to the following scientific cognition methods: dialectic, historic, comparative legal method, specific social, statistical, logical, systemic and structural analysis. The study was also based upon generalization and systemic analysis of the works of Russian scientists and normative legal acts.


police, non-governmental organizations, civil society, interaction, problems, perspectives, rights, freedoms, individual, citizen.

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