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Philosophy and Culture

Poltorakov, A. Yu. Ukrainian National Values in Terms of Geocultural (Civilization) Studies

Abstract: From the point of view of geocultural studies, the Ukraine is the part of so called ‘Macro-Christian World’. This type of civilization is characterized by the following features: the unity of all religious beliefs (Christianity) externally and similarity of axiological grounds (values) internally as well as particular historical and geographical integrity. The ‘Ukrainian civilization’ combines elements of both ‘Western’ and ‘Eastern’ civilizations. Taking into account the majority of historical and cultural ‘parameters’, the Ukraine is closer to the Eastern but not Western constituent of the Macro-Christian World. However, the main values (freedom, equality, brotherhood) do not seem so similar at all. Unclear hierarchy of value priorities of the Ukrainian ‘national character’ makes the process of further development rather flexible and the Ukrainian people quite adjustable. The ‘Ukrainian idea’ as a national state project is not only about ‘adjusting’ to a particular scheme or model (either Western or European). It is about creative reframing and adaptation of certain borrowings that have proven to be potentially attractive.


cultural research, values, civilization, freedom, equality, brotherhood, priorities, Ukraine, nation, geoculture.

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