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Philosophy and Culture

Bogdanova, V. O. Metamorphoses of Subjectivity in Constructivist Models

Abstract: The article is devoted to constructivist models of philosophizing in terms of their succession and interdependence in accordance with particular historically developed traditions of philosophizing. The author of the article defines the three types of constructivist models of philosophizing: constructivist hylomorphism, constructivist eidetics and constructivist hermeneutics. In constructivist hylomorphism the basic constructs are a priori forms of cognition that create prerequisites for subjectivity, in constructivist eidetics – phenomena of consciousness that ensure the subjectivity of the world and in constructivist hermeneutics – communication means that create conditions for inter-subjectivity.


philosophy, subject, epistemology, knowledge, constructivism, philosophizing, typology, hylomorphism, eidetic, hermeneutics.

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