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Philosophy and Culture
Gelbert, V. A. (2013). Single Essence and Continuity of Mobius. Philosophy and Culture, 12, 1687–1706.
Gelbert, V. A. Single Essence and Continuity of MobiusAbstract: The logical basis for the present article is the continuity of the Mobius band which is still poorly studied. The idea of the Mobius band having only one side has been criticized by the followers of the bifurcation approach from the very beginning. The author of the present article distracts from the quantitative aspect of the matter and analysis of the side of the Mobius band and analyzes the Mobius band the point of interconvertibility of sides where dimensions stop differing and create the unique sphere of the Mobius space. Based on the results of research, the author offers an idea of ‘continuity’ based on demonstrated and observed infinite indivisibility of the Mobius band. It allows to come to solving important universal questions about indivisibility and inconvertibility of the matter. These properties are discovered by experiment in the Mobius band and proved by a strictly verified law. According to this law, the matter is long and continued and is capable of self-preservation, stable equilibrium and indestructibility. The universe has no ‘holes’, ‘borders’ or ‘gaps’. This is what metaphysical conceptions are based on. Metaphysical generalizations play an important role in science and human life, too. Metaphysical generalizations allow to solve the Poincare conjecture, to analyze the Euclid’s parallel axiom, to understand absolute properties of singularity possessed by human who can represent the principle of indivisibility himself because he can change the world and at the same time he exists according to the rules and laws of the same world. Keywords: continuity, infinite indivisibility, singularity, length, interconvertibility, spatial homogeneity, unique sphere, continued symmetry, movement, preservation.
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