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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Polykov B.A. Compensation of Harm Unreasonably Caused by the State During Criminal Prosecution Under the Legislation of France

Abstract: The article is devoted to the legal regulation of the procedure of compensation of harm caused by the State due to errors in the investigative and judicial activities. Key norms of the code of criminal procedure regulating compensation of harm and the practical aspects of compensation for material and moral damages are examined. The statistics and some standards of compensation based on existing case law are represented in the article. Some ways of compensation of the harm applied in existing judiciary practice are described. Judgements with atypical questions of compensation of harm is accented. Approaches to the permission which are not used in the Russian judiciary practice of some questions connected with compensation of harm unreasonably caused by the state during criminal prosecution are offered. The attention to the amounts paid in the account of compensation of harm in France is paid.


rehabilitation, compensation, compensation for property damage, recompense of moral damage, the damage caused to the citizen as a result of the criminal prosecution.

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