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Philology: scientific researches

Markin, A. V. Poetics of Philosophical Form

Abstract: The article states and proves the unbreakable bond between poetics and philosophical style of thinking and the value of poetic art in philosophical representation of reality. The author of the article underlines the mutual connection between philosophy and poetics as the two of the most ancient, initial methods of gaining insight into the essence of existence. Poetics is viewed not only and not just as a poetic measure or a rhyme word. The essence of poetics is understood as the internal beat, rhythm, pulse and harmony of any form of existence. Poetics is represented as the best method of achieving the philosophy target, i.e. gaining insight into the essence of existence and reproducing it in mental space. Philosophy is the core of any art including poetry. Poetics, in its turn, is the method of gaining insight into philosophical concepts. Poetical concept is the same as the philosophical concept except for that the best reproduced image of the poetical concept is a poetic word. Philosophy needs poetics as the art of gaining insight into harmonic beginning of the world through rhythmic and rhymed nature of the word and through the poetic image leading us to the transcendental dimensions of being. The best expression of philosophical thought has the power and harmony of poetics and bears the energy of the cosmic rhythm which is tune with the universal balance.


poetics, philosophy, form, verbality, beauty, art, rhythm, rhyme, harmony, creative work.

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