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Police activity

Maltseva, T.V. Use of interactive education methods in the education of the police staff

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problems of teaching legal psychology within the higher professional education of lawyers. In particular, it is devoted to the problems of teaching theoretical materials and development of practical skills, resolving the problem of strengthening the practical elements and development of the creative potential in the process of education of future lawyers in the higher education institutions. Legal psychology as an education discipline is aimed at the studies of psychological aspects of application of legal norms and participation in legal activities. The legal psychology is taught to the future psychologists, lawyers, economists and managers in the modern higher education system. Special attention is paid to legal psychology in the law-enforcement education institution. Teaching psychology in general and legal psychology in particular is closely connected with the ability to use the theoretical psychological knowledge in the practical situations. The article contains analysis of pedagogical technologies facilitating the ability to use theoretical knowledge in practice, namely, use of workbooks, portfolio process, case-method in combination of social and psychological training. Teaching psychology has a long history. And some kinds of psychological disciplines are taught in almost all of the higher education institutions for several decades by now. The courses include elements of psychology, while they vary in their volume, depth of the study and specific direction of the contents. And it is expected that most of the law students shall manage not only to study legal psychology, but also obtain knowledge and skills of various branches of psychology (mostly, general and social psychology).


staff, method, teaching, police, policeman, method, didactics, form, principle, interactive.

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