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Philosophy and Culture
Levit, L. Z. (2013). Arthur Schopenhauer’s ‘Will to Life’ and Person-Centered of Concept of Happiness: Missing Links. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1574–1581.
Levit, L. Z. Arthur Schopenhauer’s ‘Will to Life’ and Person-Centered of Concept of Happiness: Missing LinksAbstract: The author of the article considers a number of important provisions of Arthur Schopenhauer’s theory (about the will to life, egoism and happiness) and compares them to the author’s Person-Oriented Concept of Happiness (POCH). It allows the author to answer certain questions raised by the German philosopher and develop a practical approach called Psychotherapy By Personal Singularity (PPS). At the end of the article it is concluded that Person-Oriented Concept of Happiness developed by the author has important intersection points with Arthur Schopenhauer’s philosophy. In the author’s opinion, Schopenhauer’s philosophy does not deserve to be called pessimistic philosophy. POCH also makes an important contribution to the concept of the great German philosopher because it offers an individual a particular method of restricting the ‘lowermost’ forms of egoism and developing of higher forms of egoism in order to realize one’s personal potentials and live a truly happy life. Keywords: philosophy, happiness, egoism, personal singularity, self-realization, person-centered concept of happiness, Schopenhauer, ‘will to life’, POCH, Eudaimonia.
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